Book/Report FZJ-2017-07528
Ansätze zur Gesamtanalyse des Systems Mensch-Energie - Umwelt

Kernforschungsanlage Jülich, Verlag Jülich

Jülich : Kernforschungsanlage Jülich, Verlag, Berichte der Kernforschungsanlage Jülich 982, 158, 28 p. ()

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Report No.: Juel-0982-RG

Abstract: Energy is generally considered as the main access to the modern industrial society. The availability of sufficient amounts of energy is due to fundamental importance for the development of our society. Besides the demand on economical energy maintenance there are intensively occuring ecological and supply-technical aspects,whose importance advances permanently with the exponential increase of the energy consumption. This report presents the attempt of a holistic analysis for thesystem man - energy - environment regarding economical, ecological and technical aspects. The aim is to comprehend all significant influence factors and interactions as well as to compare and to evaluate the positive and negative effects of an increasing energy consumption and its protection by alternative energy supply systems.For such complex systems new methods developed in the field of system-engineering, specially cybernetic simulation, have to be used for the derivation of adequate aid for decision.

Contributing Institute(s):
  1. Publikationen vor 2000 (PRE-2000)
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  1. 899 - ohne Topic (POF3-899) (POF3-899)

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 Record created 2017-11-14, last modified 2021-01-29

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